9 healthy ways to release your anger.

Anger is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. While it's normal to feel angry from time to time, it's essential to find healthy ways to release and manage this emotion. By doing so, we can maintain our well-being and cultivate a sense of inner peace. In this article, I have put together some effective and healthy techniques to release anger, helping you navigate through these intense emotions with more ease and calm.

Understanding Anger

Before diving into the techniques, it's important to understand what anger is and why it arises. Anger is often a response to perceived threats or frustrations. It can manifest physically, emotionally, and mentally, impacting our overall health. Recognising the signs of anger is the first step in managing it effectively.

Recognising the Signs of Anger

Recognising the signs of anger is crucial for managing it effectively. Anger can manifest in various ways, and becoming aware of these signs can help you address the emotion before it builds up inside and bursts out in unhealthy outlets. Here are some common indicators to look out for:

Physical Signs

  1. Increased Heart Rate: When you're angry, your heart rate can increase as your body prepares for a "fight or flight" response.

  2. Tension and Clenching: You might notice your muscles tightening, particularly in your jaw, neck, shoulders, and fists.

  3. Sweating: Anger can trigger sweating, especially on your forehead, palms, and underarms.

  4. Flushed Face: A sudden rush of blood to your face can cause it to feel hot and look red.

  5. Shaking or Trembling: Intense anger can lead to involuntary shaking or trembling, often in your hands or legs.

Emotional Signs

  1. Irritability: Feeling easily annoyed or frustrated by small things can be a sign that you're experiencing underlying anger.

  2. Resentment: Holding grudges or feeling a sense of injustice can indicate unresolved anger.

  3. Aggressiveness: A desire to lash out verbally or physically is a clear sign of anger.

  4. Impatience: Feeling like you can't wait or that everything is moving too slowly can be a manifestation of anger.

Behavioural Signs

  1. Raised Voice: Speaking louder or yelling is a common reaction when anger takes over.

  2. Argumentative: Finding yourself frequently engaging in arguments or disputes can be a sign of anger.

  3. Isolation: Withdrawing from others or avoiding social interactions can indicate that you're struggling with anger.

  4. Impulsive Actions: Acting on impulse without considering the consequences, such as slamming doors or throwing objects, is a behavioural sign of anger.

Cognitive Signs

  1. Negative Thinking: Persistent negative thoughts about people or situations can fuel your anger.

  2. Fixation on the Source of Anger: Continuously thinking about what or who made you angry can intensify the emotion.

  3. Blaming Others: Placing the blame on others rather than looking at the situation objectively can be a sign of anger.

  4. Inability to Focus: Struggling to concentrate or focus on tasks because you're preoccupied with your anger.

Recognising Triggers

In addition to identifying the signs of anger, it's helpful to recognise common triggers that can set off this emotion. These triggers vary from person to person but might include:

  • Stressful Situations: High-pressure environments at work or home can contribute to feelings of anger.

  • Unmet Expectations: When things don't go as planned or expectations aren't met, anger can arise.

  • Perceived Injustices: Feeling that you've been treated unfairly or disrespected can trigger anger.

  • Personal Attacks: Criticism, insults, or personal attacks can provoke an angry response.


Taking time for self-reflection can help you understand your anger better. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What usually triggers my anger?

  • How do I physically feel when I'm angry?

  • How do I typically respond to anger?

  • Are there patterns or recurring themes in my anger?

By becoming aware of these signs and triggers, you can take proactive steps to manage and release your anger before it escalates. This awareness allows you to choose healthier responses and maintain your emotional balance.

Techniques to Release Anger

1. Breathwork

One of the most powerful tools to release anger is breathwork. By focusing on our breath, we can calm our nervous system and shift our emotional state. Try this simple breathwork exercise: Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six. Repeat this cycle several times until you feel a sense of calm.

2. Physical Activity

Engaging in physical activity is an excellent way to release built-up anger. Whether it's going for a run, doing a HIIT workout, practicing yoga, or dancing, moving your body helps to channel your energy in a positive way. Physical activity releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress.

3. Journaling

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly therapeutic. Journaling allows you to express your anger in a safe and private space. Try writing about what triggered your anger, how you felt, and any underlying emotions. This process can help you gain insight and clarity, making it easier to manage your anger.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you stay present and grounded. When you feel anger rising, take a moment to pause and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Guided meditations specifically designed to release anger can be particularly helpful. These practices encourage a sense of acceptance and help you respond to anger with compassion.

5. Creative Outlets

Engaging in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or playing music can be a wonderful way to release anger. These outlets allow you to express your emotions in a constructive and artistic manner. Creativity can be a powerful tool for transforming emotions into something beautiful.

7. Throw or Break Something (Safely)

Sometimes, the physical act of releasing anger can be incredibly cathartic. Find a safe space where you can throw or break something without causing harm to yourself or others. Consider throwing pillows onto the floor, or kicking a ball outside. This physical release can help you let go of built-up tension and anger in a controlled environment.

8. Scream / Use Your Voice – In Private

Using your voice to express anger can be very effective. Find a private space where you won't be disturbed and let out a scream (into a pillow is a great option), shout, hum, or even sing loudly. This vocal release can help you expel the energy associated with anger, leaving you feeling more relaxed and less burdened by the emotion.

*** Bonus Tip - crank our Anger Release playlist on Spotify - the perfect selection of music to support you to dance, scream, sing and shout.

9. Seek Support

Sometimes, talking to someone you trust can make a big difference. Whether it's a friend, family member, or therapist, sharing your feelings with someone who listens and understands can provide comfort and perspective. Don't hesitate to seek professional support if you need it.

Releasing anger in healthy ways is crucial for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can navigate through anger with greater ease and maintain a sense of inner peace. Remember, it's okay to feel angry, but it's how we respond to this emotion that truly matters. Embrace these practices and discover the calm and clarity that lies within you.


top 10 benefits of breathwork.