Transform your life with Holotropic Breathwork.

This Breathwork style is a unique and powerful way to tune into your body's innate ability to heal and transform.
By connecting with a conscious connected breath, you can release tension and suppressed emotions, reduce stress, improve your energy and focus and achieve a greater sense of peace and mental clarity.

So what happens once this is freed up from the body?
You start to unlock more confidence, self trust and self awareness. A lot of times our fear of being seen, sharing our truth and our soul purpose, calling in more abundance or even struggling to feel connected to our self can stem from a dysregulated nervous system.

The quality of our life, relationships, creativity and success is built on the health of our nervous system and body.
We can do all the mindset work we want, but if we aren’t also looking at it from an energetic, emotional and nervous system level - then that experience that caused the limiting belief or upper limit can still be looping in the body.

Our body is a living library of our experiences - so the more we clear from the body, the more grounded we are in our nervous system and the safer we feel to show up, be seen, expand our ability to hold what we desire and thrive.


Each private 1:1 breathwork session begins with a mindful chat to gain a deeper understanding of what we might be working through together to support your body and nervous system. It’s a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have also!

Then, we move into a grounding body scan meditation, followed by 45-60 minutes of breathwork uniquely tailored to you, followed by a 10-15 minute relaxing integration at the end.

We than have a chat over a cup of tea, and have space to share. You’ll also receive tailored practices to take home with you to support yourself in the days following.

In-person sessions (2 hours) are held in West Leederville inside Henosis & Co.

After your initial session, there are options to tailor packages based on what will support you if you wish to continue on the journey.