
  • Breathwork is a general term used to refer to any type of breathing exercise or technique.

    Each style of breathwork has its pros and cons.

    By using the Holotropic breathing style, we can access new states of awareness in the body allowing us to improve our mental, physical and emotional health.

    Think of it like you are recalibrating your nervous system - it supports you to not only come out of survival mode (stress, fatigue, low mood etc) but with new self awareness to create a lifestyle where you can thrive.

  • Holotropic Breathwork is like no other Breathwork I have experienced. It combines the breath, evocative music and bodywork that helps to release residual energetic and emotional blocks from the mind and body.

    This allows for us to go to the root cause of a lot of our emotional blockages and unconscious beliefs that are stored in the mind and body. Some clients even report back that they have relief from physical pain they have felt in the body for years.

    It’s a complete reset of the nervous system.

  • There are so many benefits when it comes to breathwork. The most common ones my clients notice are:

    ~ a more regulated nervous system

    ~ reduced stress and anxiety

    ~ ability to feel and healthily process emotions

    ~ clearer mind and less intrusive thoughts

    ~ process past experiences/trauma

    ~ alleviate physical pain in the body

    ~ improved sleep

    ~ feeling lighter and less muscle tension

    ~ increase confidence, self-esteem, and self-image

    ~ increase in overall life satisfaction and happiness.

  • Every breathwork session is different.

    But what you can expect is to be held in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space where we start each session connecting with each other, demonstrating the breath and going over any information you or I need to be aware of.

    From there, we always begin with a body scan meditation to support you to connect to your body and drop into the experience.

    If you’ve never experienced Breathwork before, you might get some tingles or numbing in the hands, feet or even other areas of the body. You might feel some tightness in the hands or feet as well.

    I always approach the sessions gently and work with you and your body to get the most from the session but also to ensure safety and support.

    Afterwards, you get an opportunity to just relax, let the entire experience settle and then we have an open circle to share and a mindful chat afterwards (if you’re in a 1:1 session, you also get nourishing cup of tea).

  • No prior preparation is necessary. Just show up to your session with an open mind and know that you will be supported every step of the way.

    I always suggest wearing comfortable and loose clothing (preferably no denim or belts), bring a water bottle to hydrate afterwards and anything else that will support you (pillow, blanket, journal, crystals etc).

    If you like to set intentions for these sort of experiences you are more than welcome to do that, but what i’ve learned in Breathwork is the body will lead us.

  • What I have found in group sessions is we can sometimes be distracted or influenced by others experiences. But they can also be empowering when breathing in a group of likeminded humans. Group sessions are great if you want to come with someone else for extra support and connection.

    Our group sessions are intimately focused so that you are always safe, held, seen and supported. We rarely hold a group session over 20 people.

    With a 1:1 session, you have the private space for yourself to go where your body needs to go without the unconscious fear of judgement or interruption. A 1:1 session is a great place to start if you are new to Holotropic Breathwork.

  • This question has a few variables to it.

    Personal circumstance - do you have something you are wanting to process, heal from, move through, or wanting regular support? If so then fortnightly or monthly sessions are a great place to start!

    If you have already processed the big stuff, breathwork becomes more of a self care practice and monthly or bi-monthly top up sessions are perfect.

    Once we become more in-tuned with our mind and bodies we generally get a sense of when we need a session and can book in freely.

    If you are still unsure, you can always book in a Clarity Call to discuss your best options.

  • Breathwork does have contraindications, so if you fall within one of these categories - it’s best to get your medical professional’s sign off first:

    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic disease or terminal illness

    • severe asthma

    • severe cardiac concerns or hypertension

    • a history of epilepsy

    • severe diabetes

    • If you are pregnant or suspect you might be

    • severe PTSD

    • are on any psychiatric medication or have had a recent surgery or physical injury.

    The full list is available on our website. Due to the nature of Holotropic Breathwork, I also choose not to work with anyone under the age of 18.

  • Maybe… Maybe Not.

    Social media is great at showing only one of the many sides of breathwork. Often you will only see crying or screaming because it gets a response from those watching.

    But there are many sides and layers to breathwork. You might have a session where do you cry or scream. You might have a truly relaxing session and feel light and free. You might lay down and feel nothing. It varies session to session.

    Just know that whatever you are feeling is valid. If you are feeling hesitant, fearful or want to talk prior to booking in a session, you can email us or book a clarity call here.


  • Unearthed has a private studio space in West Leederville, Perth WA, where we facilitate all our 1:1 Private Breathwork Sessions.

    We offer group session all over Perth, WA and often collaborate with other likeminded business to offer breathwork services.

    In 2024, we plan to expand our group sessions across WA and are always open to hearing from you about where we should head to next!

  • We offer our breathwork services to all genders and identifications who are 18 years or older.

    Due to the nature of breathwork, we dont work with humans who have certain medical conditions. To view the list, please click here.

  • Our 1:1 Breathwork Sessions are $169 for a 2hr appointment.

    Our Group sessions do vary in price depending on location and whether equipment is provided ($97) or you are required to BYO ($77). Group Session also run for 2hrs.

    *note pricing is subject to change at anytime. For our most updated pricing please click here

  • All appointments have 48hr rescheduling period. You are able to self manage your appoinments via your confirmation email upon booking. You are also sent email reminders prior to your appointment.

    For one off group sessions or special events, there is a no rescheduling/refund option. We encourage that if you cant attend our event you pass on your ticket to a loved one.

    You can review our full T&C’s here

  • Against popular belief, online sessions don’t align with my personal values.

    There are some excellent breathwork facilitators out there who offer online sessions, but I personally feel and have experienced first hand these sessions leave out alot when it comes to safety, support and genuine connection (not to mention the terrible audio quality and interruptions with bad internet connection).

    Yes it is a means of convenience, but as a society I believe we spend too much time with technology and acquiring a quick fix. It creates a disconnect.

    One of the main focuses with Holotropic Breathwork is self-connection.

    So by attending sessions in person, you remove those outside world and technology distractions, which then allows you to focus on yourself in a safe, warm and inviting environment, knowing you have full permission to experience the depths of breathwork.

    Plus, the amount of positive feedback and personal realisations clients have when it comes to being facilitated with bodywork and intuitive touch, you never experience that from an online session.

  • Absolutely. I offer a free 15-minute clarity call for that exact purpose.

    You can book it in here.

Cant find an answer to your question?

Contact Unearthed Here. Alternatively you can send an email to